Hayao Miyazaki, or: the unexpected virtue of tedium

I took a feature writing class this past spring. It was a class I really enjoyed that challenged me and taught me a lot about myself as a writer.

One of our assignments early in the semester was to “draw your writing process.” It was totally open-ended and there were no wrong or right ways to go about it. The day it was due, I saw that everyone in my class had drawn these elaborate flow charts and graphs. They wrote paragraphs detailing their editing process and how they made decisions on what to write and how to write it.

I took a piece of printer paper and, with a #2 pencil, drew a comic about a stick figure sitting in bed with a computer doing nothing but typing.

I am terrible at process.

This might explain why, after seeing it the first time about a month ago, I’ve been struck by The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness. Read More